Because I am currently working in an awesome school district (I love my job and my district team), I am not performing full-time consulting services like in the past. Even so, I would still love to connect and discuss the topics on this site and network with you.
You may contact Corwin at Corwin.com for services connected with Visible Learning, Popham's Teacher Evaluation, or Student Voice.
For other topics - please send me an email if you have questions or use the contact form on this site.
Thank you, Dr. B.R. Jones
You may contact Corwin at Corwin.com for services connected with Visible Learning, Popham's Teacher Evaluation, or Student Voice.
For other topics - please send me an email if you have questions or use the contact form on this site.
Thank you, Dr. B.R. Jones

Mission: To inspire and impact the world by improving the education of one child, one school, and one district at a time.
See the connections to the research from Professor John Hattie in my book with Corwin, The Focus Model, in this research monogragh from Pearson:
Get your copy of my book, The Focus Model, from Corwin today!
See what experts John Hattie and Jim Popham have to say about my book below:
"Here's a first-synthesis of today's best suggestions about how we can make school improvement a reality instead of a hope. A seasoned, perceptive author has assembled an excellent collection of school-improvement tactics that are demonstrable winners."
W. James Popham,
UCLA Emeritus Professor
International Assessment Expert
“If the US is to implement the Common Core Curriculum effectively, it will require a constructive alignment between the standards, the teaching, and the assessment. Dr. Jones highlights these latter two critical parts of schooling in a way that not only makes the alignment constructive, but he increases the probability of acceleration in student learning. By focusing on four major features, he brings a clarity that is often missing. In this book, Jones argues it begins with selecting the critical learning intentions (combating the myth of 100% coverage), by identifying critical knowledge and skills in these standards (clarifying the learning intentions and defining clear success criteria), by formative evaluation that informs both the student and the teacher (provides the information critical to effective feedback), and by implementing effective PLC's - such collaborative impact can truly make the acceleration so needed. In a book that is both readable and filled with engaging examples, Dr. Jones introduces us to a model for action containing a clarity too often missing. B.R. has done us a service by bringing together many powerful ideas, with a strong sense of unity and direction.”
John Hattie
International Educational Expert
Director, Melbourne Education Research Institute